So the weather has turned from the hot temperatures of summer into the cooler temperatures of fall. What does that mean to me? It means that my wardrobe at home has changed from my boy short style short shorts that I wear, into my tights and leggings that I started wearing at home a couple of years ago.
Until then, I didn't wear tights in front of my wife.. But, when it turned cool, I decided to start wearing them in front of her. At first, I was extremely nervous about it. Then one day, I decided to wear a pair of black footless leggings in front of her to test the waters. I guess they were/are leggings. They could be tights. The package doesn't say. They're not opaque and they're footless, so I'll have to go with leggings.
I stumbled upon them in a regional department store in our area while shopping for tights that I could wear under my pants during the winter. The cross dresser in me didn't want to wear traditional thermal underwear or "long john's". I wanted something from the women's department.
This is what I found.
Of course the package caught my eye. Sexy. Pure sexy. They came in three colors, black, purple and gray.
When I got them home and tried them on I realized immediately that they would last under my pants at work. They felt too good and they just wouldn't be durable enough.. So pretty soon, there I was, wearing a black pair one day when my wife walked into the room. She didn't say anything at all. About a week later I switched to a gray pair and then after that, a purple pair. With each change came a new case of nervousness, wondering if she would react negatively.
These were only available one year. I've never run across them sense and can't find them anywhere on the web. They just vanished.
Before too long I slipped in a pair of Merona black opaque tights to see if I could get away without her complaining that her husband was wearing women's tights.. Believe me, there is a big difference between the 'Blue" leggings and the black opaque tights. The tights are sheer and there is no doubt that they are for women. Once again. No complaints from her at all.
For the sake of showing these leggings I decided to take a couple of pictures of myself wearing them. What's very unusual about this picture is the fact that I'm wearing my black pumps without pantyhose or tights on. I almost never do this. But, I decided at the last moment to show my leggings since I've been wearing them this past week.
So here they are:
If anyone has run across these somewhere please let me know. I'd really like to find them again, especially in more colors.