Sunday, April 7, 2013

It Takes Awhile To Post

It's rare that I take some pictures and then immediately post them to this blog.  Usually, it takes me a week or even longer before I post pictures.

The picture below is a perfect example.  It was taken April 1st and I'm just getting around to posting it.  Also, if you'll check out my You Tube page (as mostlyleggs) you'll notice that I'm slowly adding videos as well.  The videos were shot on April 1st as well.

This picture is from the best set of pictures I've taken in quite a while.  At least that's my opinion and since I'm the photographer and the model, my opinion is the one that counts.  I actually like this picture.  I think I've come pretty close to looking like an actual woman in this one.  I'm sure if you look closely, you can probably tell, but I think I'm close.  What do you think?

Check back soon as I'll be posting more soon and don't forget to check out my new videos on You Tube. 

Just search for "mostlyleggs".


Anonymous said...

Great pic!! I like that color hose with those shoes.

Jaime Xdress said...

Oh MC you have some of the sexiest legs around in pantyhose my dear! Love your pictures and videos and a wonderful feminine illusion.