Friday, April 13, 2018

It's Offically Spring

A few weeks ago the calendar said that spring time was here.  Technically it was, but the daily temperatures said,  "Not quite yet".

I've looked forward to the warmer temperatures.  I've been wearing opaque tights since the fall and I'm a anxious to slip back into pantyhose once again.

The last couple of days it's been around 80 during the day so pantyhose time is just about here.

I took a day off from work and since I was home alone, you can guess what I did.  I slipped on some pantyhose and broke out the camera a took a few pictures.

I know it's been about a month since I've posted anything and for that I apologize.  I've had a couple of projects going on and I just haven't had the time or opportunity to take pictures or post to this blog.

Hopefully I'll have the time to get back on track and continue sharing my cross dressing experience.

In the meantime I'm submitting these for your approval:

The first on below, in the orange tights was taken this past Halloween.  I never got around to editing and posting.


These go back a little over a year.  I've never shown them and I like them.  I hope you do as well.


The first one below where I'm wearing my wife's black bra is one of the first things I wore this morning.  Trust me, she wouldn't like it at all if she found out I was wearing one of her bras.


 The one below is the exact outfit I was wearing when she walked in the door from work.  She didn't say anything at all about my choice in clothes.  She's used to seeing me in tights and ballet flats.  Their basically nude opaque tights.

I'll try and post more a little later this weekend.

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