I added another video to You Tube on Saturday. My goal has been to try and add some video each weekend. It's just not easy. Imagine yourself doing it. For one thing, most guys don't wear pantyhose or any other article of women's clothing. I know this. I'm one that does and believe it or not, I've been wearing them for over thirty years. That is hard to believe.
Not only do I wear them, I like to photograph myself wearing them. How many guys can say that? The thing is, it's not easy doing either. My wife knows about my pantyhose fetish and has seen me wear them on many occasions, but she doesn't know about my pictures and videos. Well, actually she does, but I'll get into that later. I wish I could tell her, but at this point, I don't think she'd understand or even try to understand. Hell, I don't know if shes capable of understanding. What would the average wife say if her husband told her that he liked wearing pantyhose? How many would just say, "That's fine dear"? I doubt many would take that news well.
How many guys wear pantyhose and take pictures and video of themselves? Not many. Part of me feels that its perverted, but the fact is I like it and except for my wifes less than positive feelings towards the fetish, it's harmless.
The big problem is finding time to shoot pictures and video, edit them and upload them without her finding out. Since our computer is in a central location in our home, I just can't do it anytime I want since she could walk up and see what I'm doing.
I see where video can be uploaded to this blog. I've decided that I'll add a little video not shown on You Tube to see if I can attract blog viewers. I'm considering showing some brief nudity. Would anyone out there like to see that? I don't know if I'll be able to do it today since I'm already in the process of uploading a new You Tube video.