Saturday, November 6, 2021

Tomorrow is always better

Tomorrow is always better than the day you've just had.  Isn't it?

No one ever, lays their head down at night, and thinks about the perfect day that they've just experienced, as they drift off into dream land.  It just doesn't happen.  

Although, It would be nice if every once in a while, someone gets lucky and has one of those perfect days.

I've had some.  Not many, but a few awesome days.


 When you think about it, how many great day's have most people had in their lifetime? 


Not that long ago:


It gets old quickly.



Anonymous said...

Why did you stop adding videos on YouTube? you looked hot, would love to see more of those

Gaby said...

I've always thought it's better to enjoy life now, without waiting for everything to be perfect.