Here's a picture that I took a while back and decided to play with a little.
I have three of these bodysuits that I bought a couple of years ago. I was able to find them in three different colors, charcoal grey, blue and burgundy. That seems to be my thing. When I find something sexy that I like, I buy as many different colors as I can. That's why I've bought so many pairs of opaque tights in the last year or two. Because they keep coming out with so many different colors.
Here is Part 2 of this set. I really like the way these pictures came out. I'm not always satisfied with my pictures but I really like these. What's ironic is that a lot of times the one's that I really like are nowhere near the most popular. The pictures that turn out to be the most popular are usually a complete suprise to me.
Below you'll find the last installment in this set.
Of all of the pictures I've taken over the last year or two, this set is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, would you leave a little comment?
Be sure ti check out my older posts for more pictures and videos. Also, I'm on as: