A Personal Story. That's all this blog is. Every once in a while, I try to convey to the world what it's like to be me. Most people are driven by the need (or want) for sex. Personally, I want my wife to want me to just fuck me. She doesn't.
How do I compensate without going over the deep end? I shop for pantyhose and panties. Every once in a while I buy a new pair then take them home and put them on. It almost always turns me on. But, I then take them off and go about my evening like everything's okay. I don't tell my wife about it. I just get up and go to work the next day. About once every week or two, before I go to bed, I go into the bathroom and slip on a pair of pantyhose and my black high heel pumps and get myself off. I masturbate.
On the weekends we have a few beers and watch some television shows that we've recorded. We have a good time and enjoy each others company.. The thing is, lately as we've done this, instead of wearing tights like I've been wearing since the cool weather of fall set in, I've been wearing pantyhose around the house on the weekends. Legg's Sheer Energy. During the week, I've still been wearing opaque tights. But on the weekends, it's been exclusively pantyhose. I've been alternating between coffee and taupe shades.
A psychologist would probably say that I'm acting out, and when I think about it, I know that that's exactly what I'm doing. It's my personal little protest. Don't get me wrong though. Even if we were fucking several times a week. I'd still want to wearing pantyhose and tights. And let's not forget that I wear panties as my choice of underwear. That's well beyond the routine stage. In fact, I haven't worn a guy's pair of underwear in at least two, maybe three years. Women's high cut panties.
Several weeks a go at work I was told that I was needed to go out of town for a couple of days to help out with a project. I would be driving about four hours north and staying in a hotel for a couple of nights and then driving home. I was immediately excited at the opportunity because I knew that I'd be completely alone for two nights in a row and I'd be able to dress up and play around in front of the video camera with out the chance of my wife catching me.
I decided that I would need to buy something new to wear for my upcoming video sessions. I've been wanting to buy a new pair of high heels for quite some time, but I've held off because I don't exactly have many places left to hide a new pair of shoes. I've had four pairs of high heels for a while now. I added the fourth pair about a year ago. My red strappy sandals.
I know my wife knows about my black pumps. She found them several years ago and told me so. But since then, I added three more pairs. I don't know whether or not she knows about them. If she does, she's never mentioned it. Part of me thinks that if she's ever seen them, she'd probably question me about them. Then again, maybe she wouldn't.
I'm under the impression that she probably doesn't know. Which is good. But then again, if she doesn't, it's also potentially explosive. She may find them at any moment and freak out and start yelling and screaming.
So, with my upcoming work trip scheduled for a few weeks down the road, I ordered a new pair of pumps from an online store. A pair of red pumps. I'd figure out a place to hide them from my wife later. I wanted a brand new pair of red stiletto high heel pumps.
I knew that it would take at least a week to ten days before my new shoes would arrive. I realized right after I placed the order that I had messed up the address. Then, my trip was canceled. When I finally got the shoes, they were too big and I knew I had to return them. It figures.
For quite a while now I'll try to take some pictures of myself wearing pantyhose and various outfits each weekend. I wait until she's gone to bed and is sleeping soundly. The I pose and try to show off my legs.
My goal is to post them on this blog. The biggest problem is that I want to tell the story behind each of my "photo shoots" as I post them. What usually happens is that I run out of time to write the story. I have to do it all before my wife wakes up for the day and see's what I'm doing on the computer. Most weekends I run out of "private" computer time before I can post them. Therefore I end up with a back log of pictures to post.
I bought this sweater for my wife for Christmas. A week after Christmas I couldn't help but to slip into a bra and try it on. These pictures were actually taken New Years Day in the early morning hours.
Five or six years ago I took a long look at the pictures that I'd been taking and realized that I needed to enhance my figure somewhat. What had always been my motivation for taking pictures of myself?
To take a picture of my legs that looks like a pair of women's sexy legs.
To do it I needed to wear a bra and look like I had tits. Otherwise, most pictures would look like a guy. I needed to help distract the eye just a little. How? With the classic silhouette shape. Just add a bra and stuff it.
So I went to Wal Mart and bought a couple of cheap white no under wire bras. I never even considered wearing one of my wife's bras. Until a year or so ago, that is. I convinced her that she needed a black bra. She didn't have one. She eventually bought a second one. Suddenly, I became arroused at the thought of wearing one of her black bras as I posed in my pantyhose and high heels. Hell. A black bra and a black pair of come fuck me pumps could look good.
Next thing I knew, I was wearing one of her black bras any weekend that I could. This included New Years 2012.
coffee colored tights by George |
My first run in a pair of George tights |
My wife's sexy sweater |
Purple tights and my wife's new shirt |
How many guy's do this?
It's just a fetish. That's all it is. It's a way to masturbate. Almost every guy masturbates. Most of of us that do, don't talk about it. I do.
I've mentioned that I have a lot of pictures of myself that I've never posted. Here's some from the Fall of 2010.
I'm wearing pantyhose in front of her now. Again. I've worn them in front of her before. Over the years it's been an on again, off again sort of thing. But this time is different. She seems resolved to the fact of me wearing pantyhose. All of this weekend my wardrobe has consisted of nothing more than a sweat shirt, a pair of pantyhose, panties and ladies slouch socks. Some of the time I don't even wear socks. I just walk around with stocking feet.
I haven't started wearing suntan hose in front of her yet. That's the goal. I've been wearing eith the coffee or taupe shades of Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose.
Also, I've bought a few pairs of new panties recently. This weekend I wore a brand new pair of Vassarette High Cut "Silken Heather" panties. Yellow.
I'm actually very lucky to be able to get away with what I wear. I realize that there are a lot of guys with a pantyhose fetish that have to hide it completely from their wives.
Do you keep your fetish a secret?