I've decided to finally tell my story. I'm a guy and I have a thing for pantyhose. I like wearing them.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Its Almost Christmas, and I'll Admit,
and I still want to play like one.
Keep watching my videos. I've got more to post. Pantyhose, High Heels and more.
I'm a perv. Maybe I'll show you on XTube. Also see a few on X Tube.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Pantyhose. Pantyhose. Pantyhose. I'm still wearing them whenever I can while trying to come to terms with a sexual breakthrough with my reluctant wife. I've actually gotten her to wear pantyhose with the crotch cut out several times over the last few weeks. But it's only a start. It hasn't led to fantastic sex yet. I'm working on it.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I'm Still Here
I've also been able to shoot more video of myself. I'll post it as soon as I can. The thing about posting video is that it takes quite a while to view it, edit it and finally upload it.
Also, I now have over 1000 Subscribers on You Tube. That's really hard to believe. Thank you to everyone that has subscribed and been so supportive. I mean that.
As I said, I've shot a lot of video over the last couple of weeks and I thought that I'd share some that I don't think I can post on You Tube.
If you like wearing pantyhose or just enjoy watching others wear them, please feel free to post a little comment here and let the world know.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My So Called Rest, Is Over

I've just finished a week off from work. It's called vacation, but in my case, it was a use it or lose it situation. It ended up being nothing more than a "Staycation". That is, we couldn't afford to go anywhere, so I bought plenty of beer and hoped that I could make some kind of headway sexually with my wife. Guess what? It didn't work out the way I'd hoped. Does it ever?
I had nine days and nights off in a row. One solid week, plus two weekends sandwiched on each end. The sexual breakthrough didn't occur. But it wasn't all bad.
I was able to hang out with a sexy woman (I look at it as it's better than not having a sexy woman around) and I drank beer while wearing only a tee shirt and women's panties. I even wore pantyhose (after several beers) in front of her on two occasions. I was hoping that her seeing me wear suntan pantyhose might at least prod her into asking me "Why"? It didn't.
She's frozen into the state of thinking that she take her shirt off, then slip her pants off and say "Take me", twice a year, and that's all a guy needs.
It sounds good on the surface, but what you don't understand is that she never touches me, in any way. It's as if my dick doesn't exist except, on those two times a year when she strips her shirt off and doe's say, "Take me". Even then, she just lays there. She won't touch my dick in any way when, "It", happens.
Should I complain?
During my vacation, I figured I'd catch up on my surfing porn on the computer plus, uploading a little naughty video of myself. I ended up spending the first few days trying to figure out why IE7 kept crashing and not loading pages. I still don't seem to be able to view my own xtube videos. I can't sign it and then view the page. I try, but it acts like dial up. It just won't load, then, IE7 won't display any page. So, I've left xtube alone for my whole week off. I've never been a fan of xtube. It's just that that was one site that I knew I could actually show my dick on camera. Let's face it, dicks aren't really pretty. Legs, and ass, they are pretty. To me, cocks really aren't.
There's always a but. But... a sexy pair of legs and a nice ass wearing pantyhose and high heels, no matter if theres a dick in there or not. Can , be sexy.
I did shoot a few pictures, The best, in my opinion, is the attached picture. I like the lighting in it. It would look better with heels. But that's just hindsight, plus, one of my heels is broken.
I'm a pantyhose guy.
Southeast Virginia
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I Added More Video To X Tube
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Exclusive Video
Anyway, the video that I've posted on YouTube this weekend is more of what I shot a few months ago in my hotel room when I was out of town for work. As soon as I got to the hotel I stripped down, took a shower, popped a beer and started play dress up in front of the camera.
I tried to concentrate on keeping it clean so that I could post it on YouTube, but of course I couldn't resist taking it past the line at times. I just didn't know when or where I could post it.
I know about XTube and have watched a few videos on it, but it really seems sleazey. I don't believe I'v seen many videos on there that were really good. I guess I'll probably break down and put some on there because I really do want to show off all the way. I'd really like to hear what people think about that.
Plus, I don't know whether or not it's a good idea to show as much as I have here on this blog. Technically, this is nudity. I know I don't show very much, but I stll wonder.
One thing this shows is my "tuck". People have wondered how I get so smooth "down there". As I've said before, it's not hard to do when you're small. Also, most of the time when I shoot video, I don't have a hard on. I'm usually concentrating on the camera and the pose and I just don't get hard while I'm doing that.
My Latest Video
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wearing Her Bathing Suit

Finally Another Post
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I took this pic today, Sunday August 10, 2008. My wife was still asleep, so I snapped a few pics. This is probably the best one of the bunch. I'm wearing suntan L'eggs Sheer Energy sheer to waist, my staple these days. I was really afraid that I might get caught, but I got away with it. My wife knows I have a pantyhose fetish and she even knows I have a pair of high heels. But, she wouldn't be happy if she caught me posing in front of the camera like this. She did catch me one time, but she didn't make a big deal about it, but it was still akward and embarressing.
Over 500 Subscriptions
I decided to post little bonus video since I have hit the 500 mark on YouTube subscriptions. It's a little naughty. I hope I didn't go too far with it. I don't know if a little nudity is permitted on this blog.
I recently had a video flagged and removed from You Tube and there no nudity in it, I was very disappointed.
This video was shot 2 or 3 months ago. I know it shows my little thing. It should be easy enough now to see why I can tuck myself away so easily. I've got a small dick. It's that simple.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
It's Not Easy Taking Pictures And Video

Friday, July 4, 2008
What I'd like to do
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Pavlov's Bell
She what I've tried to copy, that's all.

What a concept. Pavlov's Bell, that is. What a reality. All you have to do is ring Pavlov's Bell and and you'll be happy. Right? Go ahead and ring it! I'll just stand here and watch, because I'm curious.
If it turns you on and doesn't hurt aynone, why not?
I want add more videos, but I've had a little technical diffulcity. I uploaded a dv tape and it didn't turn out very well. I need to do it again, but I don't have the time to set up the camera without my wife knowing and re-download the tape.
This means that theres going to be a temporary delay in posting a new video. Maybe next weekend. Sorry.
It's not easy posting video of yourself, wearing womens clothes AND not letting your wife know.
How many guys like to wear pantyhose? Not many, right?
If a guy likes to wear pantyhose, how does he tell a woman that?
How doe's he find the time to set up a video camera and video himself wearing pantyhose and maybe high heels and a leotard without his wife knowing. Why doesn't want his wife to know? Because his wife would'nt approve. Can anyone identify with that?
I've posted a lot of videos of myself on YouTube. I've gotten a decent amount of comments, considering that I've advertized for comments. To be honest, I was expecting more than I've gotten, but I'm satisfied with the ammount that I have recieved.
People, even if it's guys, have liked seeing me wear pantyhose in front of the camera. For that, I thank all of you.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I Added Another Video

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Keeping it to myself

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Bought More Panties and Posted New Video
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Writing About Pantyhose Is Harder Than I Thought

Please don't ask if that's me. It's not. That just happens to be one of the sexiest photos of a woman wearing pantyhose. I'm a leg and ass man and this picture shows, it. This is it! Totally hot.
I wish my wife looked like that and I wish I could look that good, again. I was close.
Anyway, I've been off the You Tube track for a couple of weeks and I hope to be able to post a couple of things.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
I've Forgotten To Mention I'm A Panty Guy Too

The Memorial Day Weekend
I Can Look Sexy In Pantyhose

I'm hopeing to attract YouTube Viewers
Sunday, May 25, 2008